ࡱ>  %` bjbj '̟̟J7$ $ $ 4 )PPPX $L>Lt"_|gKiKiKiKiKiKiK$XNhPpKM_K5LHHH4gKHgKHH/:ho@؟ p*$PN=`JlL0L>X0Q*0Qo@0Qo@ g 7H9EgggKK,gggLL>L>L>^PL>L>L>PVTD T v   Patent and Inventions Policy and Procedures Purpose 91Ƭ is committed to supporting the development of new technologies. Faculty Handbook section 3.7.5 describes the University policy on patents including the distribution of royalties. The purpose of this policy is to clearly establish title of inventions and patents. Scope The patent policy of the University applies to all potentially patentable discoveries or inventions conceived or first reduced to practice by anyone using University funds, material, or facilities. Policy As stated in section 3.7.5 of the Faculty Handbook, the University patent policy defines three categories of inventions: Discoveries or inventions that are subject to the terms of sponsored projects or other agreements between the University and a third party. These inventions shall be disposed of in accordance with the terms of the applicable agreement. Most agreements provide that the University will take title to inventions and will grant certain license rights to the sponsor. Discoveries or inventions that involve the significant use of funds, materials, or facilities administered by the University but that do not involve University obligations to a third party. These inventions shall be the property of the University. Significant use occurs when the University provides resources above and beyond those that would be routinely available to the inventor as a direct result of his or her affiliation with the University. Discoveries or inventions that do not involve either University obligations to a third party or the significant use of funds, materials, or facilities administered by the University. These inventions shall be the property of the inventor. The University is free to assign any discovery or invention in which it has ownership rights to a patent management organization for assistance in filing a patent application or negotiating licenses. Any royalties the University receives will be shared with the inventor as described below. Of the net royalties it derives from any discovery or invention, the University will pay 50 percent to the inventor or inventors; it will place the remaining 50 percent in a separate University fund to support research and related activities. Anyone conducting research at the University that could result in patentable discoveries or inventions will be required to sign a Patent Agreement which is available from the Sponsored Projects Office. Any discovery or invention covered under this policy, except those in which the inventor has sole ownership rights, must be disclosed promptly to the Office of Research Inititaives1 by means of an Invention Disclosure Form available from that office. After this form is submitted, the University or its designate will make an evaluation in order to decide whether to apply for a patent. The University will promptly notify the inventor in writing of its final decision. If it fails to do so within six months of receiving a properly executed disclosure, or if it decides not to pursue a patent application, the invention will become the property of the inventor subject to the rights of any outside sponsor. Any inventor who wishes to request an exception to this policy or to challenge a patent decision by the University may appeal to the Provost. The Provost will appoint an ad hoc committee of three members mutually acceptable to the inventor and the Provost, including at least one faculty member and one member of the administration. The committee will prepare a report of its findings and make a recommendation to the Provost. The decision of the Provost, which is to be explained in writing, will be final. University employees who are engaged in consulting work are responsible for ensuring that clauses in their agreements are not in conflict with this patent policy or with the rights of other parties. The Sponsored Projects Office should be consulted for any interpretation of this policy. Enforcement and Noncompliance The Associate Provost for Research Initiatives is responsible for enforcement of the policy. Examples of noncompliance with this policy include, but are not limited to, failure to submit a disclosure form, intentionally filing an incomplete, erroneous, or misleading disclosure form, or failing to provide any additional information requested by the Associate Provost for Research Initiatives. Failure to comply with this policy will result in the notification of the sponsor as appropriate. In addition, noncompliance may result in disciplinary action consistent with and subject to sections of the Staff Policy Manual and the Faculty Handbook that are applicable to the employment of the faculty or staff member. In particular, noncompliance is subject to the Policy on Misconduct in Research (Faculty Handbook, Appendix H). Definitions Invention means any new or significantly improved technology, material, design, device, discovery, composition, trade secret, process, method and/or technique that is conceived and reduced to practice. Research means a systematic investigation designed to develop or contribute to knowledge. The term encompasses basic and applied research and product development. Sponsored Project is defined in the Faculty Handbook as any externally funded activity which is subject to an agreement that is binding on the University and that includes any of the following conditions: it commits the University to a specific plan of research or scholarly inquiry; it makes a specific commitment regarding the level of personnel effort, items of output, or achievement of specific performance targets; it requires both adherence to a line item budget and either a detailed fiscal report or an external audit of the project; it requires that any unexpended funds be returned to the sponsor at the end of the project period; or it provides for the disposition of either tangible property (e.g., equipment, records, or technical reports) or intangible property (e.g., patents or copyrights) that may result from the activity. Procedures Intellectual Property and Confidentiality Agreement. The Sponsored Projects Intellectual Property and Confidentiality Agreement (referred to as the Patent Agreement in the Patent Policy, section 3.7.5 of the Faculty Handbook; Appendix A) pertains to obligations and assignments related to externally sponsored project. As stated in the University policy on patents, anyone conducting research at the University that could result in patentable discoveries or inventions is required to sign a Patent Agreement which is available from the Sponsored Projects Office. Invention Disclosure. Under the University patent policy, any discovery or invention conceived or first reduced to practice by anyone using University funds, material, or facilities must be disclosed promptly to the University by means of an Invention Disclosure Form (Appendix B) except for discoveries or inventions in which the inventor has sole ownership rights. Category 1 Inventions. These inventions are subject to the terms of (a) sponsored projects and third party research agreements or (b) third party course project agreements. Sponsored Projects and Third Party Research Agreements. A Sponsored Projects Intellectual Property and Confidentiality Agreement (Appendix A) must be completed and on file with the Sponsored Projects Office for all faculty, staff and students participating in the Project. Invention Disclosure Form (Appendix B) must be completed and submitted to the Office of Research Initiatives before reporting or delivery of work products to the sponsor and before any public disclosure (e.g. presentation or publication) of the discovery or invention. The Associate Provost for Research Initiatives will then review the Invention Disclosure Form to verify that the invention falls into this category. For a Category 1 Invention, the Associate Provost will proceed as outlined in the terms of the Sponsored Research Agreement (template agreements in Appendices C and D). As noted, in most cases the University will obtain the rights to inventions in sponsored agreements (Appendix C). The University may also enter into joint ownership agreements (Appendix D) depending on the nature of the project. In addition, principal investigators will be asked to sign a companion document (Principal Investigator Agreement, Appendix E) to the Sponsored Research Agreement that confirms a commitment to the work plan and reaffirms the confidentiality components of Intellectual Property Assignment and Confidentiality Agreement. Third Party Course Project Agreements. Faculty who are having students work on a course assignment or project for a third party where the results might be intellectual property, should follow these standard steps: Two-three months before the start of the quarter, contact the Associate Provost of Research Initiatives to discuss the project and determine if a written agreement with the third party is necessary. If a written agreement is needed, work with the Associate Provost or the Director of Sponsored Projects to prepare the agreement (template agreement, Appendix F) and provide the agreement for initial review to the third party at least two weeks before the start of the course. Please keep in mind that the University policy on Secret Research must be followed and any Non-Disclosure Agreements associated with the assignment must be reviewed by the Sponsored Projects Office before faculty, staff or students are asked to sign them. In the course syllabus, there should be a statement that clearly describes the intent of the assignment and who will own the results of the course project. The students must be clearly informed at the start of the course. The faculty member should have the students sign a Class Project Assignment for Students (Appendix G). Signed forms should be returned to the Associate Provost for Research Initiatives. The general process will be that students will be asked to assign their intellectual property rights to the University and the students will retain a non-exclusive license to use the results of the project. There may be the ability to modify this agreement if, during the quarter, a particular result with high commercialization potential emerges. In such a case, the agreement may be modified so that the rights of the students to their work are maintained depending on the third party agreement. In general, the students will assign rights to the University so that the University can then manage the rights with the third party. These steps are designed to place the University in a position to protect the rights of the students and to avoid having the third party negotiate with the faculty member and the students. After all the signed forms have been received, the faculty member will then have the third party sign the written agreement described in steps 1 and 2 above. The signed agreement must be returned to the Associate Provost for Research Initiatives. If questions arise or modifications are necessary, the faculty member should work with the Associate Provost for Research Initiatives to respond as quickly as possible given the brevity of the ten-week quarter. Category 2 Inventions. An Invention Disclosure Form (Appendix B) must be completed and submitted to the Office of Research Initiatives before any public disclosure (e.g. presentation or publication) of the discovery or invention. The Associate Provost for Research Initiatives will then review the Invention Disclosure Form to verify that the invention falls into this category. To determine if the significant use of funds, materials, or facilities administered by the University was involved in the discovery or invention, the Associate Provost will consider that significant use occurs when the University provides resources above and beyond those that would be routinely available to the inventor as a direct result of his or her affiliation with the University. More specifically, the Associate Provost will consider the level of resources typically available to others within the department of the inventor. If the Associate Provost determines that the resources available were routine, then the invention shall remain the property of the inventor. All student Category 2 inventions or discoveries from course assignments or projects that are not the result of working collaboratively with a faculty or staff member are considered routine and shall remain the property of the students (the inventor). Faculty, staff and students who would like to use the patent management and technology licensing services made available by the University, shall assign rights to the University using a Research Invention Rights Assignment Agreement (Appendix H). If the Associate Provost determines that there may be significant use of funds, materials, or facilities administered by the University, he or she shall determine if the inventor intends to use the patent management and technology licensing services that the University has available. If the inventor decides to use the available services, then he or she shall assign rights to the University using a Research Invention Rights Assignment Agreement (Appendix H). If the inventor decides to pursue retaining rights, then the Associate Provost shall appoint an Invention Rights Review Committee to conduct a review of the case and recommend if the rights to the invention should be retained by the University or the inventor. The Committee shall be composed of one member selected by the Research Committee, one member selected by the Faculty (or Staff) Affairs Committee, one member selected by the appropriate Dean or Director, one member selected by the appropriate Department Chair or Supervisor, and one member selected by the Associate Provost. The Invention Rights Review Committee will complete its review in 30 days and provide the Associate Provost with a written report including a recommendation regarding the significant use of resources and the assignment of rights. The Associate Provost shall notify the inventor in writing of the decision within 90 days of submitting the Invention Disclosure form. Per the University Patent Policy, the inventor may challenge the decision by appeal to the Provost. According to the policy the Provost will appoint an ad hoc committee of three members mutually acceptable to the inventor and the Provost, including at least one faculty member and one member of the administration. The committee will prepare a report of its findings and make a recommendation to the Provost. The decision of the Provost, which is to be explained in writing, will be final. Category 3 Inventions. An Invention Disclosure Form must be completed and submitted to the Office of Research Initiatives before any public disclosure (e.g. presentation or publication) of the discovery or invention. If the Associate Provost determines that the resources available were routine, then the invention shall remain the property of the inventor. All student Category 3 inventions or discoveries from course assignments or course projects that are not the result of working collaboratively with a faculty or staff member are considered routine and shall remain the property of the inventor. Faculty, staff and students who would like to use the patent management and technology licensing services offered by the University, shall assign rights to the University using a Research Invention Rights Assignment Agreement (Appendix H). Patent Management and Technology Licensing. The University has contracted with the Stanford Office of Technology Licensing to evaluate disclosures, manage patent procedures, and coordinate technology licensing for inventions that shall be the property of the University. Faculty, staff or students shall assign rights to the University to gain access to these services. Patent management and technology licensing is coordinated by the Associate Provost for Research Initiatives. As stated in the University policy, of the net royalties it derives from any discovery or invention, the University will pay 50 percent to the inventor or inventors; it will place the remaining 50 percent in a separate University fund to support research and related activities. Specifically, the University (50% by the Provost and 50% by the School or College) will pay the costs for working with the Stanford Office of Technology Licensing and all associated costs for patenting and licensing an invention. Once royalties are realized, the initial costs will first be reimbursed to the Provost and School or College. The net royalties will then be shared with 50% to the inventor or inventors, 25% to the Provost for research and related activities and 25% to the School or College for research and related activities. Course Assignments and Projects (Student Intellectual Property Rights). All student Category 2 and 3 inventions or discoveries from course assignments or projects that are not the result of working collaboratively with a faculty or staff member are considered routine and shall remain the property of the students (the inventor). For Category 1 inventions, students may be asked to assigned rights to the University to fulfill the terms of a third party agreement. Students working collaboratively with a faculty or staff member on a project that could result in potentially patentable inventions or discoveries shall sign a Sponsored Projects Intellectual Property and Confidentiality Agreement (Appendix A) or an Invention Rights Assignment Agreement (Appendix H) and are subject to standard University patent policies and procedures. Appendix A  Sponsored Projects Intellectual Property and Confidentiality Agreement Name (Researcher): The Researcher is a faculty member, staff member or student of 91Ƭ (SCU) who is working on a research project (Project) that has been partially or wholly funded by an agency or department of the United States or another government, foundation or corporation (Sponsor). In accordance with SCUs patent and copyright policies (Section 3.7.5 and 3.7.6 of the Faculty Handbook), a Researcher working on a project that is partially or wholly funded by Sponsor must agree to grant to SCU the assignment of his or her ownership rights in the Project so that SCU may fulfill any obligations to the Sponsor related to the Project. The Researcher hereby irrevocably assigns, transfers, and conveys to SCU all of Researchers right, title and interest in and to the Project, any information (including, without limitation, business plans and/or business information), technology, know-how, materials, notes, records, designs, ideas, Projects, improvements, devices, developments, discoveries, compositions, trade secrets, processes, methods and/or techniques, whether or not patentable or copyrightable, that are conceived, reduced to practice or made that relate to the Project (collectively, Work Product). Researcher agrees to sign, execute and acknowledge or cause to be signed, executed and acknowledged without cost, but at the expense of SCU or Sponsor, any and all documents and to perform such acts as may be necessary, useful or convenient for the purposes of perfecting the foregoing assignments and obtaining, enforcing and defending intellectual property rights in any and all countries with respect to Work Product. It is understood and agreed that SCU or Sponsor shall have the sole right, but not the obligation, to prepare, file, prosecute and maintain patent applications and patents worldwide with respect to the Work Product. Researcher represents and warrants to SCU that Researcher has all rights necessary to effect the assignment granted herein, Researcher has not or will not grant any licenses or other rights to the Work Product to any Sponsor, and to Researchers knowledge, Researcher will not incorporate into the Project any intellectual property of any other party except for intellectual property from other participants in the Project who have executed an agreement that contains provisions the same or similar to the provisions contained herein (Project Participants). The Project may involve the disclosure of information, either in writing, orally or by inspection of tangible objects, that shall be considered the confidential information either of SCU or of Sponsor (Confidential Information). Confidential Information shall not, however, include any information which (i)was publicly known and made generally available in the public domain prior to the time of disclosure by the disclosing party; or (ii)becomes publicly known and made generally available after disclosure by the disclosing party to the receiving party through no action or inaction of the receiving party. The Confidential Information may not be disclosed except for circumstances in which (a)it is required by law to be disclosed by the receiving party, provided that the receiving party gives the disclosing party prompt written notice of such requirement prior to such disclosure and assistance in obtaining an order protecting the information from public disclosure; or (b) it is necessary for the purposes of legal or financial due diligence in connection with an investment, merger, or acquisition, provided that it is only disclosed to each partys legal counsel, accountants, or professional advisors, without the prior written consent of the other party. The Researcher may not disclose Confidential Information to any person other than a Project Participant unless Researcher has received prior written permission from SCU. Researcher shall take reasonable measures to protect the Confidential Information and avoid any disclosure and unintended use of the Confidential Information. All documents and other tangible objects containing or representing Confidential Information and all copies thereof which have been provided to Researcher shall be returned to the Sponsor upon completion of Researchers participation in the Project. The obligations of each receiving party hereunder shall survive until such time as all Confidential Information of the other party disclosed hereunder becomes publicly known and made generally available through no action or inaction of the receiving party. This Agreement constitutes the final and complete agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreement, either written or oral. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California, without regard to its conflicts of law provisions. Both parties hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the state and federal courts located in 91Ƭ, California. If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, such provision will be changed and interpreted so as to best accomplish the objectives of the original provision to the fullest extent allowed by law, and if no feasible interpretation will save such provision, it shall be severed from this Agreement, and the remaining provisions remain in full force and effect. The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement or an express waiver shall in no way be construed to be a present or future waiver of such provision, nor in any way affect the right of either party to enforce such provision thereafter. This Agreement is binding on me, my estate, heirs and assigns. Researcher Signed: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________ Acknowledged: SCU Signed: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________ Appendix B  Invention Disclosure Form 91Ƭ is committed to supporting the development of new technologies. Faculty Handbook section 3.7.5 describes the University policy on patents including the distribution of royalties. The patent policy of the University applies to all potentially patentable discoveries or inventions conceived or first reduced to practice by anyone using University funds, material, or facilities. In particular, the University patent policy is defined in terms of three categories of inventions: Discoveries or inventions that are subject to the terms of sponsored projects or other agreements between the University and a third party. These inventions shall be disposed of in accordance with the terms of the applicable agreement. Most agreements provide that the University will take title to inventions and will grant certain license rights to the sponsor. Discoveries or inventions that involve the significant use of funds, materials, or facilities administered by the University but that do not involve University obligations to a third party. These inventions shall be the property of the University. Significant use occurs when the University provides resources above and beyond those that would be routinely available to the inventor as a direct result of his or her affiliation with the University. Discoveries or inventions that do not involve either University obligations to a third party or the significant use of funds, materials, or facilities administered by the University. These inventions shall be the property of the inventor. Furthermore, under the University patent policy, any discovery or invention conceived or first reduced to practice by anyone using University funds, material, or facilities must be disclosed promptly to the University by means of this Disclosure Form except for discoveries or inventions in which the inventor has sole ownership rights. The University has contracted with the Stanford Office of Technology Licensing to evaluate disclosures and manage patent procedures for inventions that shall be the property of the University. The patent process is coordinated by the Associate Provost for Research Initiatives and involves the following steps: 1. Complete this disclosure form. 2. Submit the completed, signed hard copy of the form to the Associate Provost for Research Initiatives. 3. Upon receipt, the Associate Provost will contact the Stanford Office of Technology Licensing to formally initiate the disclosure evaluation process. 4. The inventor can expect to be contacted by a representative of the Stanford Office of Technology Licensing to evaluate the disclosure and start the process of determining if the invention meets the criteria for pursuing a patent. 5. Any questions regarding the process should be directed to the Associate Provost for Research Initiatives (ashachter@scu.edu). An invention and technology disclosure is a legally important document that describes what is invented and the circumstances under which the invention was made or the technology created. Please complete the disclosure form carefully. 1. Title of the invention or technology  FORMTEXT       2. Description of the invention or technology 2a. General purpose of the invention and what problem it solves.  FORMTEXT       2b. Technical description of the invention including a discussion of features believed to be new and advantages over existing methods, devices or materials, and a description of unique and non-obvious aspects of the invention. For software, describe any novel algorithms. For a database, describe novel features of the structure. Attach photos, drawings or other technical data/material as appropriate.  FORMTEXT       2c. Possible variations and modifications to the invention as well as products or processes that could result from the invention.  FORMTEXT       2d. Competing technologies including current solutions for the same problem, how and how much better the invention is relative to competing technologies, listing of related technical papers or patents for similar technology, a description of degree of research in the field:  FORMTEXT       2e. Stage of development including current state of research and steps to commercialization:  FORMTEXT       2f. Commercialization possibilities:  FORMTEXT       3. Inventors or developers (provide the following for all presumed inventors or developers; use an additional disclosure form if there are more than three inventors) Total number of inventors:  FORMTEXT       Name:  FORMTEXT       Title:  FORMTEXT       Department:  FORMTEXT       Email:  FORMTEXT       Work Phone:  FORMTEXT       Work Address:  FORMTEXT       Home Phone:  FORMTEXT       Home Address:  FORMTEXT       Citizenship:  FORMTEXT       Name:  FORMTEXT       Title:  FORMTEXT       Department:  FORMTEXT       Email:  FORMTEXT       Work Phone:  FORMTEXT       Work Address:  FORMTEXT       Home Phone:  FORMTEXT       Home Address:  FORMTEXT       Citizenship:  FORMTEXT       Name:  FORMTEXT       Title:  FORMTEXT       Department:  FORMTEXT       Email:  FORMTEXT       Work Phone:  FORMTEXT       Work Address:  FORMTEXT       Home Phone:  FORMTEXT       Home Address:  FORMTEXT       Citizenship:  FORMTEXT       4. Obligations to third parties (attach any inventions sections of third party agreements) 4a. What funds supported the work leading to this invention? Please list all sources of funding for the invention (include any federal, non-federal, foundation, and industry funding, gifts, 91Ƭ funds, etc.). For non-SCU funds include: contract/grant number, sponsor, and PI(s).  FORMTEXT       4b. Are you a party to any other agreement(s) pertaining to the invention (e.g. material transfer agreement, collaboration, patent agreement with any other entity)?  FORMCHECKBOX  yes  FORMCHECKBOX  no If yes, please list third party names and types of agreements:  FORMTEXT       5. History of invention or technology 5a. Date of initial idea: FORMTEXT       5b. Date of conception (when all the essential elements of an invention were formed in the inventor s mind):  FORMTEXT       5c. Date first reduced to practice (first successful demonstration of the invention):  FORMTEXT       5d. Date and venue of first public disclosure (date and venue of proposal or manuscript submission, date and venue of conference presentation, date and venue of electronic or web postings):  FORMTEXT       5e. Date and venue of any future public disclosures (date and venue of future, planned publications, conference presentations, etc.):  FORMTEXT       6. Rights and royalties (all inventors must sign; please use another disclosure form for more than three inventors) I agree that all rights and royalties will be distributed per 91Ƭs current patent policy as stated in the Faculty Handbook section 3.7.5. The categories of inventions defined in the Faculty Handbook are also described on page 1 of this disclosure form. I understand that the University will determine the invention category based on any third party agreements and/or the use of funds, materials or facilities administered by the University related to the invention disclosed herein. Inventor s name (print or type):  FORMTEXT       Inventor s signature Date Inventor s name (print or type):  FORMTEXT       Inventor s signature Date Inventor s name (print or type):  FORMTEXT       Inventor s signature Date 7. The invention is disclosed and understood by: Witness s name:  FORMTEXT       Title:  FORMTEXT       Department:  FORMTEXT       Email:  FORMTEXT       Work Phone:  FORMTEXT       Work Address:  FORMTEXT       Home Phone:  FORMTEXT       Home Address:  FORMTEXT       Witness s signature Date Time 8. Received by (to be completed by Office of Research Initiatives): Form complete:  FORMCHECKBOX  yes  FORMCHECKBOX  no Signature Date Time If form is incomplete, what information is needed?  FORMTEXT       Date form is completed:  FORMTEXT       Signature Date Time Please submit a hard copy of the completed disclosure to: Office of Research Initiatives St. Joseph s Hall Santa Clara University 500 El Camino Real Santa Clara, CA 95053 Appendix C  Sponsored Research Agreement This agreement is entered into effective ________________________, by and between ________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the Sponsor) and the PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF SANTA CLARA COLLEGE, dba SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY (hereinafter referred to as the University). WHEREAS, the project contemplated by this Agreement is of mutual interest and benefit to the University and to the Sponsor and will further the instructional and research objectives of the University in a manner consistent with its status as a non-profit, tax-exempt, educational institution, NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: STATEMENT OF WORK. The University agrees to use its reasonable best efforts to perform the project described in the statement of work (the Project) in Exhibit A, which may be modified by mutual written agreement of the parties (the Statement of Work) and is hereby incorporated and made a part of this agreement. The Sponsor understands that the Universitys primary mission is education and advancement of knowledge and the project will be designed to carry out that mission. The manner of performance of the project shall be determined solely by Principal Investigator (as defined below). University does not guarantee specific results. The Statement of work shall include a budget for the Project. University shall have the flexibility to revise the budget as necessary during the term of the Project so as to provide the Principal Investigator the opportunity to use resources as he or she deems most reasonable, provided any changes are within the scope of the Project. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR. The Project will be supervised by the individual set forth in the Statement of Work (the Principal Investigator). If, for any reason, s/he is unable to continue his/her involvement in the project, and a successor acceptable to both the University and the Sponsor is not available, this Agreement may be terminated by either party with ten (10) days notice in writing. TERM. The project shall be conducted during the period set forth in the Statement of Work, unless the otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties, and will be subject to renewal only by mutual written agreement of the parties (the Term). REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS. In consideration of the foregoing, the Sponsor will reimburse the University for costs incurred by it in connection with the Project up to a maximum amount that is set forth in Exhibit A or as otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties. The University will maintain records of its costs hereunder and of funds received in accordance with its regular policies and procedures based on recognized institutional accounting principles consistently applied. Sponsor shall have the right to examine the Universitys accounting records during the Term and for a period of one (1) year following the expiration of this Agreement. A final financial report setting forth costs incurred and funds received by the University under this Agreement shall be submitted within 90 days after termination of this Agreement. The report shall be accompanied by a payment by University in the amount, if any, of the excess funds advanced over allowable costs and commitments incurred. PAYMENT. Sponsor shall make payments to the University as set forth in Exhibit A or if no payment schedule is described, Sponsor shall make payments when requested by University but such payments shall not be requested more than once a month during the Term. The University may submit to the Sponsor, in the Universitys usual form, but with reasonable detail that the Sponsor may require, an invoice or voucher supported by a statement of claimed allowable costs for performing this Agreement. Sponsor shall pay any amounts due within thirty (30) days of request by University. Checks shall be made payable to 91Ƭ and shall be sent to: Director of Sponsored Projects Sponsored Projects Office 91Ƭ 500 El Camino Real 91Ƭ, CA 95053-0250 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. (a) University owns the entire right, title, and interest, including to all patents, copyrights and other intellectual property rights in and to all tangible materials, inventions, works of authorship, software, information and data conceived or developed in the performance of the Project (the University Inventions), except as provided in subparagraph (b) below. Sponsor owns the entire right, title, and interest, including to all patents, copyrights and other intellectual property rights in and to all tangible materials, inventions, works of authorship, software, information and data conceived or developed using Sponsor facilities and solely by Sponsor personnel related to the Project (the Sponsor Work Product). University and Sponsor shall promptly provide a reasonable written disclosure to each other of any University Inventions or Sponsor Work Product, respectively. The Sponsor shall, upon reviewing such invention disclosure, determine whether to request the University to file and prosecute any patent application, domestic or foreign, covering the University Invention described in such invention disclosure; provided, however, that the University of its own accord may elect to file and prosecute a patent application should the Sponsor determine not to request the University to do so. If Sponsor so requests that University files and prosecutes a patent application, the Sponsor shall reimburse all reasonable costs associated with such filing and prosecution within thirty (30) days of receipt of invoice therefor. Within 60 days of receipt of an invention disclosure with respect to a particular University Invention, Sponsor shall notify University in writing whether it desires to obtain a commercial license under such University Invention and any associated intellectual property. If Sponsor so notifies University, University and Sponsor shall negotiate in good faith the terms and conditions pursuant to which University would grant to Sponsor a commercial license under the University Invention (including associated intellectual property rights) for 90 days (the Negotiation Period). If the parties have not entered into a definitive license agreement during such period, University may offer a license under such University Invention (including associated intellectual property rights) to third parties, provided that for 12 months after the Negotiation Period, University shall not grant any such license on more favorable terms to such third party than those offered by Sponsor during the Negotiation Period unless University first offers such more favorable terms to Sponsor. University shall grant to Sponsor a non-exclusive license to use any University Invention comprising copyrightable material other than software code solely for Sponsors internal research and development purposes. This license shall be subject to any government rights as set forth in Section 6(f). Sponsor acknowledges that University Inventions under certain governmentally funded projects may be subject to government rights and to the extent applicable, the licenses granted to Sponsor by University hereunder would be subject to such government rights. PUBLICATION. The Principal Investigator shall have the right at his or her discretion to publish freely or otherwise publicly disclose the results of the Project subject to the following. If University reasonably determines that any subject matter to be disclosed in such a publication is patentable, University will submit such publication materials to the Sponsor for review and comment at least thirty (30) days prior to planned submission for publication. If Sponsor notifies University within ten (10) days of receipt of such materials that it desires University to file a patent application with respect to such subject matter, then University shall first file such application in accordance with Section 6 herein and shall submit such materials for publication only after written notice is provided to Sponsor before materials are submitted for publication. University shall have the final authority to determine the scope and content of any publications. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. Confidential Information means any information related to the Project which is disclosed by either party to the other party and is marked as Confidential or if disclosed orally, is designated as confidential at the time of disclosure and is reduced in writing and confirmed to the other party as being Confidential Information within five (5) days of disclosure. Confidential Information shall not, however, include any information which (i)was publicly known and made generally available in the public domain prior to the time of disclosure by the disclosing party; or (ii)becomes publicly known and made generally available after disclosure by the disclosing party to the receiving party through no action or inaction of the receiving party. The Confidential Information may not be disclosed except for circumstances in which (a)it is required by law to be disclosed by the receiving party, provided that the receiving party gives the disclosing party prompt written notice of such requirement prior to such disclosure and assistance in obtaining an order protecting the information from public disclosure; or (b) it is necessary for the purposes of legal or financial due diligence in connection with an investment, merger, or acquisition, provided that it is only disclosed to each partys legal counsel, accountants, or professional advisors, without the prior written consent of the other party. Each party agrees not to use or disclose any Confidential Information of the other party to third parties or University employees, agents or students for any purpose except to fulfill the obligations of this Agreement. Each party agrees that it shall take reasonable measures to protect the secrecy of and avoid disclosure and unauthorized use of the Confidential Information of the other party. Without limiting the foregoing, each party shall take at least those measures that it takes to protect its own confidential information of a similar nature, but in no case less than reasonable care. The obligations of each receiving party hereunder shall survive until such time as all Confidential Information of the other party disclosed hereunder becomes publicly known and made generally available through no action or inaction of the receiving party. PUBLICITY. Neither the University nor the Sponsor shall use the name of the other in a press release without the written permission of the other party. University may acknowledge Sponsors support of the Project in scientific or academic publications or communications without Sponsors prior approval. In any permitted statement, the parties shall describe the scope and nature of their participation accurately and appropriately. APPLICABLE LAW. Each party agrees to abide by all applicable laws, including any export laws, in the conduct of activities or exercise of rights hereunder. Sponsor represents and warrants that Sponsor has notified University in writing of any export control requirements. PUBLICITY. Neither the University nor the Sponsor shall use the name of the other in any form of publicity without the written permission of the other party. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. (a) University represents and warrants that University will perform the Project in conformance with any applicable laws and regulations. University also represents that all of its employees, students and consultants who participate in the Project will be obligated to assign to University all of their rights in the University Inventions. (b) EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED HEREIN, THE UNIVERSITY MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE CONDITION OF THE RESEARCH OR ANY INVENTION(S) OR PRODUCT(S), WHETHER TANGIBLE OR INTANGIBLE, CONCEIVED, DISCOVERED, OR DEVELOPED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT; OR THE OWNERSHIP, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH OR ANY SUCH INVENTION OR PRODUCT. THE UNIVERSITY SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR OTHER DAMAGES SUFFERED BY ANY LICENSEE OR ANY OTHERS RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE RESEARCH OR ANY SUCH INVENTION OR PRODUCT. FORCE MAJEURE. The University shall not be liable for any failure to perform as required by this Agreement, to the extent such failure to perform is caused due to circumstances reasonably beyond its control, such as labor disturbances or labor disputed of any kind, accidents, failure of any governmental approval required for full performance, civil disorders or commotions, acts of aggression, acts of God, energy or other conservation measures, general failure of the Internet, explosions, failure of utilities, mechanical breakdowns, material shortages, disease, or other such occurrences. TERMINATION. Either party may terminate this Agreement for any reason upon 30 days written notice to the other party after the completion of a Statement of Work or as otherwise set forth in the Statement of Work. University may terminate this Agreement for non-payment by Sponsor in excess of forty-five (45) days from invoice by Sponsor. Upon termination by either or both parties, the University will be reimbursed as specified in Article 4 for all non-cancelable commitments and other costs already incurred in the performance of the Agreement. INDEMNIFICATION. The Sponsor agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the University, its trustees, directors, employees, agents and students (each, a University Indemnitee) from any and all liability, loss (including attorneys fees) or damage any University Indemnitee may suffer as a result of any third party claims arising out of or connected with the Project, except to the extent that such claim is due to gross negligence or willful misconduct by a University Indemnitee, or a breach of any applicable law or regulation by a University Indemnitee related to the Project. The University Indemnitee shall promptly notify the Sponsor of any such claim and shall cooperate with the Sponsor in the defense of the claim. NONDISCRIMINATION. University and Sponsor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, national origin, sex, age or physical limitation, except where sex, age, or physical limitation is a bona fide occupational qualification. ASSIGNMENT. Neither party shall assign this Agreement to another without the prior written consent of the other. Any such purported assignment shall be void. SEVERABILITY. In the event a court of competent jurisdiction holds any provision of this Agreement to be invalid, such holding shall have no effect on the remaining provisions of this Agreement, and they shall continue in full force and effect. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The University and Sponsor are independent contractors and neither is an agent, joint venturer, or partner of the other. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Any legal action arising out of or connected with the Agreement shall be adjudicated in the State of California. PROPERTY. Title to all property purchased by the University with funds provided by the Sponsor pursuant to this Agreement shall become and remain property of the University unless otherwise agreed to in writing by both parties. NOTICES. Any notices given under this agreement shall be in writing and delivered by first-class mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to the party to receive such notice at the address given below, or such other address as may be hereafter be designated by notice in writing: University: Director of Sponsored Projects Sponsored Projects Office 91Ƭ 500 El Camino Real 91Ƭ, CA 95053-0250 Sponsor: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ ENTIRE AGREEMENTCHANGES. This Agreement constitutes the entire and only understanding between the University and the Sponsor relating to the subject matter of the Project. Any alterations or supplements to this Agreement must be made in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of both parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the University and the Sponsor have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY (SPONSOR) Signature: ________________________ Signature: _______________________ Name: __ _______ Name: __________________________ Title: Title: ___________________________ Date: ____________________________ Date: ___________________________ Exhibit A Statement of Work Principal Investigator(s): Description of the Project: Deliverables: Budget: Payment Schedule: Maximum Amount of Costs that will be reimbursed by Sponsor unless otherwise agreed to by the parties: Appendix D  Sponsored Research Agreement Joint Intellectual Property This agreement is entered into effective ________________________, by and between ________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the Sponsor) and the PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF SANTA CLARA COLLEGE, dba SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY (hereinafter referred to as the University). WHEREAS, the project contemplated by this Agreement is of mutual interest and benefit to the University and to the Sponsor and will further the instructional and research objectives of the University in a manner consistent with its status as a non-profit, tax-exempt, educational institution, NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: STATEMENT OF WORK. The University agrees to use its reasonable best efforts to perform the project described in the statement of work (the Project) in Exhibit A, which may be modified by mutual written agreement of the parties (the Statement of Work) and is hereby incorporated and made a part of this agreement. The Sponsor understands that the Universitys primary mission is education and advancement of knowledge and the project will be designed to carry out that mission. The manner of performance of the project shall be determined solely by Principal Investigator (as defined below). University does not guarantee specific results. The Statement of work shall include a budget for the Project. University shall have the flexibility to revise the budget as necessary during the term of the Project so as to provide the Principal Investigator the opportunity to use resources as he or she deems most reasonable, provided any changes are within the scope of the Project. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR. The Project will be supervised by the individual set forth in the Statement of Work (the Principal Investigator). If, for any reason, s/he is unable to continue his/her involvement in the project, and a successor acceptable to both the University and the Sponsor is not available, this Agreement may be terminated by either party with ten (10) days notice. TERM. The project shall be conducted during the period set forth in the Statement of Work, unless the otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties, and will be subject to renewal only by mutual written agreement of the parties (the Term). REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS. In consideration of the foregoing, the Sponsor will reimburse the University for costs incurred by it in connection with the Project up to a maximum amount that is set forth in Exhibit A or as otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties. The University will maintain records of its costs hereunder and of funds received in accordance with its regular policies and procedures based on recognized institutional accounting principles consistently applied. Sponsor shall have the right to examine the Universitys accounting records during the Term and for a period of one (1) year following the expiration of this Agreement. A final financial report setting forth costs incurred and funds received by the University under this Agreement shall be submitted within 90 days after termination of this Agreement. The report shall be accompanied by a payment by University in the amount, if any, of the excess funds advanced over allowable costs and commitments incurred. PAYMENT. Sponsor shall make payments to the University as set forth in Exhibit A or if no payment schedule is described, Sponsor shall make payments when requested by University but such payments shall not be requested more than once a month during the Term. The University may submit to the Sponsor, in the Universitys usual form, but with reasonable detail that the Sponsor may require, an invoice or voucher supported by a statement of claimed allowable costs for performing this Agreement. Sponsor shall pay any amounts due within thirty (30) days of request by University. Checks shall be made payable to 91Ƭ and shall be sent to: Director of Sponsored Projects Sponsored Projects Office 91Ƭ 500 El Camino Real 91Ƭ, CA 95053-0250 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY; JOINT INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. University owns the entire right, title, and interest, including to all patents, copyrights and other intellectual property rights in and to all tangible materials, inventions, works of authorship, software, information and data conceived or developed in the performance of the Project (the University Inventions), except as provided in subparagraph (b) and (c) below. Sponsor owns the entire right, title, and interest, including to all patents, copyrights and other intellectual property rights in and to all tangible materials, inventions, works of authorship, software, information and data conceived or developed using Sponsor facilities and solely by Sponsor personnel related to the Project (the Sponsor Work Product). University and Sponsor shall jointly own the right, title, and interest including to all patents, copyrights and other intellectual property rights in and to all tangible materials, inventions, works of authorship, software, information and data conceived or developed jointly by University and Sponsor related to the Project (the Joint Invention). Each party shall have the right to commercialize, license and otherwise exploit the Joint Invention with the prior written consent of the other party and each party shall account to the other party with a fifty percent share of the revenues allocated to each party unless the parties otherwise agree. University and Sponsor shall promptly provide a reasonable written disclosure to each other of any University Inventions, Sponsor Work Product or Joint Invention. The Sponsor shall, upon reviewing any invention disclosure, determine whether to request the University to file and prosecute any patent application, domestic or foreign, covering the University Invention described in such invention disclosure; provided, however, that the University of its own accord may elect to file and prosecute a patent application should the Sponsor determine not to request the University to do so. If Sponsor so requests that University files and prosecutes a patent application, the Sponsor shall reimburse all reasonable costs associated with such filing and prosecution within thirty (30) days of receipt of invoice therefor. Patent applications covering any Joint Invention shall be prosecuted by a patent attorney selected and approved by both parties; such approval not to be unreasonably withheld. Both parties shall have full consultation rights with the patent attorney in regard to the preparation, filing and prosecution of the United States or foreign patent applications based on the Joint Invention. All patent costs related to the Joint Invention shall be shared equally by University and Sponsor unless the parties otherwise agree. Within 60 days of receipt of an invention disclosure with respect to a particular University Invention or Joint Invention (either one, the Invention), Sponsor shall notify University in writing whether it desires to obtain a commercial license under such University Invention and any associated intellectual property or if Sponsor desires to obtain an exclusive commercial license under any Joint Invention. If Sponsor so notifies University, University and Sponsor shall negotiate in good faith the terms and conditions pursuant to which University would grant to Sponsor a commercial license under the Invention (including associated intellectual property rights) for 90 days (the Negotiation Period). If the parties have not entered into a definitive license agreement during such period, University may offer a license under such Invention (including associated intellectual property rights) to third parties, provided that for 12 months after the Negotiation Period, University shall not grant any such license on more favorable terms to such third party than those offered by Sponsor during the Negotiation Period unless University first offers such more favorable terms to Sponsor. University shall grant to Sponsor a non-exclusive license to use any University Invention comprising copyrightable material other than software code solely for Sponsors internal research and development purposes. This license shall be subject to any government rights as set forth in Section 6(h). Sponsor acknowledges that University Inventions under certain governmentally funded projects may be subject to government rights and to the extent applicable, the licenses granted to Sponsor by University hereunder would be subject to such government rights. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement, copyrights related to scholarly works resulting from the Project, other than resulting from Sponsor Work Product, shall be governed by the policies of the University. PUBLICATION. The Principal Investigator shall have the right to publish freely or otherwise publicly disclose the results of the Project subject to Section 8 of this Agreement, policies of the University and the following procedure. If University reasonably determines that any subject matter to be disclosed in such a publication is patentable, University will submit such publication materials to the Sponsor for review and comment at least thirty (30) days prior to planned submission for publication. If Sponsor notifies University within ten (10) days of receipt of such materials that it desires University to file a patent application with respect to such subject matter, then University shall first file such application in accordance with Section 6 herein and shall submit such materials for publication only after written notice is provided to Sponsor before materials are submitted for publication. University shall have the final authority to determine the scope and content of any publications. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. Confidential Information means any information related to the Project which is disclosed by either party to the other party and is marked as Confidential or if disclosed orally, is designated as confidential at the time of disclosure and is reduced in writing and confirmed to the other party as being Confidential Information within five (5) days of disclosure. Confidential Information shall not, however, include any information which (i)was publicly known and made generally available in the public domain prior to the time of disclosure by the disclosing party; or (ii)becomes publicly known and made generally available after disclosure by the disclosing party to the receiving party through no action or inaction of the receiving party. The Confidential Information may not be disclosed except for circumstances in which (a)it is required by law to be disclosed by the receiving party, provided that the receiving party gives the disclosing party prompt written notice of such requirement prior to such disclosure and assistance in obtaining an order protecting the information from public disclosure; or (b) it is necessary for the purposes of legal or financial due diligence in connection with an investment, merger, or acquisition, provided that it is only disclosed to each partys legal counsel, accountants, or professional advisors, without the prior written consent of the other party. Each party agrees not to use or disclose any Confidential Information of the other party to third parties or University employees, agents or students for any purpose except to fulfill the obligations of this Agreement. Each party agrees that it shall take reasonable measures to protect the secrecy of and avoid disclosure and unauthorized use of the Confidential Information of the other party. Without limiting the foregoing, each party shall take at least those measures that it takes to protect its own confidential information of a similar nature, but in no case less than reasonable care. The obligations of each receiving party hereunder shall survive until such time as all Confidential Information of the other party disclosed hereunder becomes publicly known and made generally available through no action or inaction of the receiving party. PUBLICITY. Neither the University nor the Sponsor shall use the name of the other in a press release without the written permission of the other party. University may acknowledge Sponsors support of the Project in scientific or academic publications or communications without Sponsors prior approval. In any permitted statement, the parties shall describe the scope and nature of their participation accurately and appropriately. APPLICABLE LAW. Each party agrees to abide by all applicable laws, including any export laws, in the conduct of activities or exercise of rights hereunder. Sponsor represents and warrants that Sponsor has notified University in writing of any export control requirements. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. (a) University represents and warrants that University will perform the Project in conformance with any applicable laws and regulations. University also represents that all of its employees, students and consultants who participate in the Project will be obligated to assign to University all of their rights in the University Inventions and Joint Inventions. (b) EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED HEREIN, THE UNIVERSITY MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE CONDITION OF THE RESEARCH OR ANY INVENTION(S) OR PRODUCT(S), WHETHER TANGIBLE OR INTANGIBLE, CONCEIVED, DISCOVERED, OR DEVELOPED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT; OR THE OWNERSHIP, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH OR ANY SUCH INVENTION OR PRODUCT. THE UNIVERSITY SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR OTHER DAMAGES SUFFERED BY ANY LICENSEE OR ANY OTHERS RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE RESEARCH OR ANY SUCH INVENTION OR PRODUCT. FORCE MAJEURE. The University shall not be liable for any failure to perform as required by this Agreement, to the extent such failure to perform is caused due to circumstances reasonably beyond its control, such as labor disturbances or labor disputed of any kind, accidents, failure of any governmental approval required for full performance, civil disorders or commotions, acts of aggression, acts of God, energy or other conservation measures, general failure of the Internet, explosions, failure of utilities, mechanical breakdowns, material shortages, disease, or other such occurrences. TERMINATION. Either party may terminate this Agreement for any reason upon 30 days written notice to the other party after the completion of a Statement of Work or as otherwise set forth in the Statement of Work. University may terminate this Agreement for non-payment by Sponsor in excess of forty-five (45) days from invoice by Sponsor. Upon termination by either or both parties, the University will be reimbursed as specified in Article 4 for all non-cancelable commitments and other costs already incurred in the performance of the Agreement. Sections 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 shall survive any expiration of this Agreement. INDEMNIFICATION. The Sponsor agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the University, its trustees, directors, employees, agents and students (each, a University Indemnitee) from any and all liability, loss (including attorneys fees) or damage any University Indemnitee may suffer as a result of any third party claims arising out of or connected with the Project, except to the extent that such claim is due to gross negligence or willful misconduct by a University Indemnitee, or a breach of any applicable law or regulation by a University Indemnitee related to the Project. The University Indemnitee shall promptly notify the Sponsor of any such claim and shall cooperate with the Sponsor in the defense of the claim. NONDISCRIMINATION. University and Sponsor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, national origin, sex, age or physical limitation, except where sex, age, or physical limitation is a bona fide occupational qualification. ASSIGNMENT. Neither party shall assign this Agreement to another without the prior written consent of the other. Any such purported assignment shall be void. SEVERABILITY. In the event a court of competent jurisdiction holds any provision of this Agreement to be invalid, such holding shall have no effect on the remaining provisions of this Agreement, and they shall continue in full force and effect. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The University and Sponsor are independent contractors and neither is an agent, joint venturer, or partner of the other. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Any legal action arising out of or connected with the Agreement shall be adjudicated in the State of California. PROPERTY. Title to all property purchased by the University with funds provided by the Sponsor pursuant to this Agreement shall become and remain property of the University unless otherwise agreed to in writing by both parties. NOTICES. Any notices given under this agreement shall be in writing and delivered by first-class mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to the party to receive such notice at the address given below, or such other address as may be hereafter be designated by notice in writing: University: Director of Sponsored Projects Sponsored Projects Office 91Ƭ 500 El Camino Real 91Ƭ, CA 95053-0250 Sponsor: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ ENTIRE AGREEMENTCHANGES. This Agreement constitutes the entire and only understanding between the University and the Sponsor relating to the subject matter of the Project. Any alterations or supplements to this Agreement must be made in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of both parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the University and the Sponsor have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY (SPONSOR) Signature: ________________________ Signature: _______________________ Name: __ _______ Name: __________________________ Title: Title: ___________________________ Date: ____________________________ Date: ___________________________ Exhibit A Exhibit A Statement of Work Principal Investigator(s): Description of the Project: Deliverables: Budget: Payment Schedule: Maximum Amount of Costs that will be reimbursed by Sponsor unless otherwise agreed to by the parties: Appendix E  Principal Investigator Sponsored Research Agreement ____________________________________ (Principal Investigator) ____________________________________ (the Project) The Principal Investigator is involved in a 91Ƭ (SCU) research project sponsored by a third party pursuant to the Sponsored Research Agreement (the Project). The Principal Investigator agrees to and hereby acknowledges that the Principal Investigator shall perform the scope of research specified in the Sponsored Research Agreement. In accordance with SCUs policy regarding sponsored research, the Principal Investigator also confirms that he/she has executed an SCU Intellectual Property and Confidentiality Agreement that covers the disclosure of information, either in writing, orally or by inspection of tangible objects, that shall be considered the confidential information of SCU (Confidential Information). Confidential Information shall not, however, include any information which (i)was publicly known and made generally available in the public domain prior to the time of disclosure by the disclosing party; or (ii)becomes publicly known and made generally available after disclosure by the disclosing party to the receiving party through no action or inaction of the receiving party. The Confidential Information may not be disclosed except for circumstances in which (a)it is required by law to be disclosed by the receiving party, provided that the receiving party gives the disclosing party prompt written notice of such requirement prior to such disclosure and assistance in obtaining an order protecting the information from public disclosure; or (b) it is necessary for the purposes of legal or financial due diligence in connection with an investment, merger, or acquisition, provided that it is only disclosed to each partys legal counsel, accountants, or professional advisors, without the prior written consent of the other party. The Principal Investigator may not disclose Confidential Information to any person unless Principal Investigator has received prior written permission from SCU. Principal Investigator shall take reasonable measures to protect the Confidential Information and avoid any disclosure and unintended use of the Confidential Information. All documents and other tangible objects containing or representing Confidential Information and all copies thereof which have been provided to Principal Investigator shall be returned to SCU upon completion of Principal Investigators participation in the Project. The obligations of each receiving party hereunder shall survive until such time as all Confidential Information of the other party disclosed hereunder becomes publicly known and made generally available through no action or inaction of the receiving party. This Agreement is binding on me, my estate, heirs and assigns. Principal Investigator Signed: _______________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ Acknowledged: SCU Signed: _______________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ Appendix F  Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement for Class Projects The work product described in Exhibit A (the Work Product) was created as part of a 91Ƭ (SCU) class project for (the Third Party). Subject to the license retained by SCU set forth herein, SCU hereby assigns to the Third Party SCUs right, title and interest in and to the Work Product, including any intellectual property rights embodied therein. The Third Party shall make good faith efforts to give attribution to SCU and the students who contributed to the Work Product. SCU agrees to sign, execute and acknowledge or cause to be signed, executed and acknowledged without cost, but at the expense of the Third Party, if any, any and all documents and to perform such acts as may be necessary, useful or convenient for the purposes of perfecting the foregoing assignments and obtaining, enforcing and defending intellectual property rights in any and all countries with respect to the Work Product. It is understood and agreed that the Third Party shall have the sole right, but not the obligation, to prepare, file, prosecute and maintain patent applications and patents worldwide with respect to the Work Product. SCU retains a non-exclusive, fully paid-up, irrevocable, sub-licensable, transferable license to the any and all elements of the Work Product and intellectual property rights not specifically related to content provided by the Third Party. This Agreement constitutes the final and complete agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreement, either written or oral. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California, without regard to its conflicts of law provisions. Both parties hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the state and federal courts located in 91Ƭ, California. If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, such provision will be changed and interpreted so as to best accomplish the objectives of the original provision to the fullest extent allowed by law, and if no feasible interpretation will save such provision, it shall be severed from this Agreement, and the remaining provisions remain in full force and effect. The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement or an express waiver shall in no way be construed to be a present or future waiver of such provision, nor in any way affect the right of either party to enforce such provision thereafter. Third Party Signed: _________________________________ Date: _________________________________ Acknowledged by SCU Signed: _________________________________ Date: _________________________________ Exhibit A Work Product Appendix G  Class Project Assignment Form for Students _____________________________________________________________ (Project) _____________________________________________________________ (Student) The Project listed above will be created as part of a 91Ƭ (SCU) class project. Whereas, in accordance with SCUs patent policy (Section 3.7.5 of The Faculty Handbook), discoveries or inventions that do not involve either University obligations to a third party or the significant use of funds, materials, or facilities administered by the University shall be the property of the Student. The Student has enrolled and is participating in a class with a project that is delivered to a third party (Third Party) and as a result, Student has agreed to grant SCU assignment of his or her ownership rights in this Project so that SCU may assign such ownership rights to Third Party. SCU hereby grants Student a license to any intellectual property rights in the Project to the extent that SCU has the right to grant such intellectual property rights. SCU shall make good faith efforts to have Third Party give recognition to Student for Students contribution to the Project. In order for SCU to obtain ownership rights, Student hereby irrevocably assigns, transfers, and conveys to SCU all of Students right, title and interest in and to the Project, any information (including, without limitation, business plans and/or business information), technology, know-how, materials, notes, records, designs, ideas, Projects, improvements, devices, developments, discoveries, compositions, trade secrets, processes, methods and/or techniques, whether or not patentable or copyrightable, that are conceived, reduced to practice or made that relate to the Project (collectively, Work Product). For clarity the Project and the Work Product do not include the features described in an attached exhibit, if any such exhibit has been agreed to by the parties, except for in accordance with SCUs patent policy referenced herein, any discoveries or inventions that involve the significant use of funds, materials, or facilities administered by the University shall be the property of SCU. Student shall, in good faith, negotiate and enter into an agreement with SCU or the Third Party regarding a non-exclusive license to the intellectual property retained by Student described in the attached exhibit. Student agrees to sign, execute and acknowledge or cause to be signed, executed and acknowledged without cost, but at the expense of SCU or Third Party, any and all documents and to perform such acts as may be necessary, useful or convenient for the purposes of perfecting the foregoing assignments and obtaining, enforcing and defending intellectual property rights in any and all countries with respect to Work Product. It is understood and agreed that SCU or Third Party shall have the sole right, but not the obligation, to prepare, file, prosecute and maintain patent applications and patents worldwide with respect to the Work Product. Student represents and warrants to SCU that Student has all rights necessary to effect the assignment granted herein, Student has not or will not grant any licenses or other rights to the Work Product to any third party, and to Students knowledge, Student will not incorporate into the Project any intellectual property of any other party except for intellectual property from other students in the class. This Agreement constitutes the final and complete agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreement, either written or oral. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California, without regard to its conflicts of law provisions. Both parties hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the state and federal courts located in 91Ƭ, California. If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, such provision will be changed and interpreted so as to best accomplish the objectives of the original provision to the fullest extent allowed by law, and if no feasible interpretation will save such provision, it shall be severed from this Agreement, and the remaining provisions remain in full force and effect. The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement or an express waiver shall in no way be construed to be a present or future waiver of such provision, nor in any way affect the right of either party to enforce such provision thereafter. This Agreement is binding on me, my estate, heirs and assigns. Student Signed: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________ Acknowledged: SCU Signed: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________ Appendix H  Research Invention Rights Assignment Agreement ___________________________________________________________ (Invention) ___________________________________________________________ (Researcher) The Invention listed above was created as part of a 91Ƭ (SCU) research project. An Invention Disclosure Form for this Invention has been completed and is attached as Exhibit A. Whereas, in accordance with SCUs patent policy (Section 3.7.5 of The Faculty Handbook), discoveries or inventions that do not involve either University obligations to a third party or the significant use of funds, materials, or facilities administered by the University shall be the property of the Researcher. However, the Researcher has asked SCU to accept assignment of his or her ownership rights in this Invention. SCU may assign any discovery or invention in which it has ownership rights to a patent management organization for assistance in filing a patent application or negotiating licenses. SCU will pay 50 percent of the consideration (net of all costs and expenses incurred by or on behalf of SCU in protecting and licensing the Invention, including patent filing, prosecution and maintenance fees) it derives from the Invention to the Researcher, provided that if there is more than one inventor SCU will divide such net consideration pro-rata between the named inventors absent an agreement to the contrary among the inventors. In order for SCU to obtain ownership rights, Researcher hereby irrevocably assigns, transfers, and conveys to SCU all right, title and interest in and to the Invention, any information (including, without limitation, business plans and/or business information), technology, know-how, materials, notes, records, designs, ideas, inventions, improvements, devices, developments, discoveries, compositions, trade secrets, processes, methods and/or techniques, whether or not patentable or copyrightable, that are conceived, reduced to practice or made that relate to the Invention (collectively, Work Product) and any and all patents, copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property rights (Intellectual Property Rights) in or related to the Invention or Work Product including all rights to apply for applications therefor. Researcher agrees to sign, execut MNOWX x y  F G H O P r y z T l m   7 " # r s zh:MhUH* hU6]h!h!6h! hhhUhUhAhU6 hB]hU hhhUCJOJQJ^JaJ#hhhU5CJOJQJ^JaJ hr5hwVhr5 hUhrjhrUjhrUmHnHuhr07MNOWXx y  G H O P 7$8$H$gdUgdUgdU)$$d%d&d'dNOPQa$gdr&$d%d&d'dNOPQgdrgdr& 6 7   UV gdU 7$8$H$gdU `^``gd* & F h`^``gd*st.:Y@Y~#*=>AFV %XYqshB hU56h#yhU56hdhU6 hN_8hU hU56#h6hU5CJOJQJ^JaJhU5CJOJQJ^JaJhtIhU6h!hU6 hhhUhYhU5 hU5jhU0JUhU3 WX12"" 7$8$H$gdyLI 7$8$H$gdUh^hgdU & FgdUgdUgdU    2 H \ e %!V!!!!"""""""2"5"6"##*#+#,#5#7#8####¾ºƪƦƪƦʎ†ƊƊ{wh^hZg8 h&rhhhyLIhyLIhyLI56h>^56><@h!hU6hh hh!h0v h^56 h<@56 h!56 hU56 hU5hUhU5hUh$hU6,"##>$?$))**b+c+z-|-[.\.Q2R2I3J3 @ @ 7$8$H$^@ gd" & F  @ @ |7$8$H$^@ `|gd" 7$8$H$gd" 7$8$H$^gd" & F 7$8$H$gd" 7$8$H$gd##########$$<$=$?$u$x$$%O%P%k%x%%%& &&&F&\&b&w&&&&&&&&&'''''5'U'X'Y'^'_'f'h'p'''(꠺궺꺔꺔h`ABh<@h3h6h^hZg86 hr6 h^6h0vhZg8hrhh hr]hXhX6] hX]hXhX]hXh^hh^h^6 h0v69(( ($(((((((((((()))')5)E)u)))))))^*t*5+`+a+b+++++++,,,,x,,,,,,,, -->-F-X-w-y-z--..///ܼܤ hFh"jh"0J6U h"6hxl h"6hX h (h"hrhX hr]h"hjh[h6eh `Hh?h3hFhBEQ@//000 144'4(4345474Q4^444445555555556666D6W6b66666m7n777778B8Q8\8w88888(969>9?9B9Q9T99999˿ֲ֪֮֮֮֮֮ڢڦhehBEQhrh1chBEQh66 he] h6] h0v6] h66]h3h6h0vh2#h^h2#6 h2#6 h0v6hyLIh"hX@J344779::: < <AAEEFFJJfMgMhMtM 7$8$H$gd gdZg8 7$8$H$gd  7$8$H$gd1c 7$8$H$gd & F  @ @ |7$8$H$^@ `|gdF999999::!:*:5:6:8:::q:::: ;;4;5;};;;;;;;;;;;;<<[<a<<<<<<<==>>>>>?(?6??O?s????AAAAA件 h 6 h 6h2# heheh hr hhh1c hhheh1che6h1ch `Hhh`ABhehBEQh0vBAAAA.B8BJBBB(C3CCDD D#DNDXDqDDDDDDDDDEE EE,E-E.EsE}EEEEEFF1FtFuF{FFFFFFFFHH[IdIsIIIIĽĵުަަަޚh),hThh hB]hhZg8h^hZg86 h 56h^hZg856heh `HhhyUFhBEQhXhr h 6h h h^h 6*hJJhwVhU5hwVh!5 h!h! h!5h!jhUUjhUUmHnHu h 5h h 5 h (5 h 5h+]hhXhrh+h+]h+5 h45h h),hBEQ(tMMMMM OpPR2UbWkkk$ & F h^`ha$gdJJ$ & F h^`ha$gdJJ @ ^@ `gd!gdJJ)$$d%d&d'dNOPQa$gd!&$d%d&d'dNOPQgd! ~PPPPPPPQQwRRRR?SJSTT0UwdyyyHzpzrzzzzzz6|8||||}B}gd *w,w.w8w:ww(xnxrxxy"ydyfyzy|y~yyyyyHzJz^z`zbzlznzpzrzzzzzzzzzzz {V{\{{2|6|n|p|ڻڰڻͨڝږՏڏzjh 5Uhkyh 56>* hqh  hT*h j h Uhkyh 5jh U h2}h j!h Uh2}h 5 h 5h jh UmHnHujh Ujh U0p|||||||||||||||||||||||||}}}}}}0}2}4}>}@}B}L}N}P}R}f}h}j}t}v}x}}}¾¾¾¾|jQh Ujh Ujgh Ujh UmHnHujh Ujh Uh  hqh h=Wh 5jh 5UmHnHujh 5Uj}hE|Rh 5U h 50B}x}}}<~~~~~.n(h$ZЁT؂ԃgd }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}~~~~*~,~.~8~:~<~T~V~X~Z~n~p~r~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~jh Ujh Uj)h Ujh Uj=h Uh=Wh 5 hqh jh UmHnHujh Ujh Uh : *,.BDFH\^`jlnxz|~$&(0<>@BVj_h Ujh U h 5jsh Ujh Uh=Wh 5jh UmHnHujh Ujh Uh  hqh 8VXZdfhp€ĀƀȀ܀ހ "$.024HJLVXZnprtƻưƥƚƏjh Ujh Uj7h Ujh UjKh Uh h=Wh 5 h 5 hqh jh UmHnHujh Ujh U8́΁Ё؁ (,.BDFPRT\hjlnƂȂʂԂւ؂jmh Ujh Ujh Uj h U h 5jh UmHnHujh Ujh Uh  hqh h=Wh 5: ԃ'[]  VXbdf‡>@ںͱͣo&jC!hkyh 5OJQJUh2}h 5OJQJ&j hkyh 5OJQJUjh 5OJQJUh 5OJQJjY h Uh=Wh 5h2}h 5 h 5h jh UmHnHujh Ujh U*ԃZ\‡@hjlnʍ̍΍Ѝ\]gd @BVXZdf.0 ĊƊȊ܊ފjln$BZʳʳʳʳj#hkyh 5Uj#hkyh 5Uj"hkyh 5U h2}h j-"hkyh 5Uh2}h 5jh 5UmHnHuj!hkyh 5U h 5jh 5U3Z\ƍȍʍ̍q  4ʑ̑ΑؑڑܑޑwohT*h 5j$h3:h 5Uh%h 5>*j{$h3:h 5U hGh  h 5]hh 5hV:h 56>* h2}h jh 5UmHnHuj$hkyh 5Ujh 5Uh2}h 5 h 5)4npܑ0XZړPԔXZ^gd `gd gd tv|~ȓʓ̓֓ؓړ׸ᰦ׸ᎇ{p{b{{jh UmHnHujS&h Ujh Uh  hqh h=Wh 5j%h3:h 5UhT*h 5>*hT*h 5jh 5UmHnHujg%h3:h 5Ujh 5U h 5 h 5>*hV:h 5>*hV:h 5% $&(*>@BLNPdfhj~”ĔƔДҔԔ,.02FHJTVX\˵˪˟˔׏ h 5j)h Uj(h Uj)(h Uj'h Uj='h Uh h=Wh 5 hqh jh UmHnHujh Uj&h U7Z\rBDƖȖʖ| RTVʘ, 7$8$H$gdl`gdlgdlgd \^rvhjlʖ̖~ޗڸ̬ڐ̬~vl\lMlljhl5UmHnHujs*h3:hl5Ujhl5Uhqhl5hT*hl5>*hT*hl5&j)hkyhl5OJQJUh2}hl5h2}hl5OJQJ&j)hkyhl5OJQJUjhl5OJQJUhl5OJQJ hl5 h 5hT*h 5>*hT*h 5 RTVʘ*ęƙșʙ̙֙Osɿzsojb[R[hph ^aJ hph ^hwVh#5 h#5h# hUh#jh#UmHnHuj_+hph ^Uh h h 5 hT5h6hNhl hT*hlhqhl5hT*hl5>*hT*hl5jhl5UmHnHujhl5Uj*h3:hl5U hl5 ,ZƙșOPvw56h^hgd ^ & Fgd ^gd ^gd ^&$d%d&d'dNOPQgd# 7$8$H$gd6 7$8$H$gdls{éکv^_`"ISTfh:;<GHIJOY|xh# hUh#j,h#Ujh#UmHnHu hJJCJhx-hx-5 h (5hx-h ^hph ^5hph ^>* h#aJ hlaJhph ^aJh yh ^aJhsY? 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It is understood and agreed that SCU or SCUs designee shall have the sole right, but not the obligation, to prepare, file, prosecute and maintain patent applications and patents worldwide with respect to the Work Product. Researcher represents and warrants to SCU that Researcher owns the Work Product and has all rights necessary to effect the assignment granted herein, Researcher has not granted any licenses or other rights to the Work Product to any third party, and to Researchers knowledge, the Work Product does not infringe or misappropriate any Intellectual Property Right of any third party. This Invention Rights Assignment Form (the Agreement), including the Exhibit attached hereto and hereby incorporated by reference, constitutes the final and complete agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreement, either written or oral. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California, without regard to its conflicts of law provisions. Both parties hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the state and federal courts located in 91Ƭ, California. If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, such provision will be changed and interpreted so as to best accomplish the objectives of the original provision to the fullest extent allowed by law, and if no feasible interpretation will save such provision, it shall be severed from this Agreement, and the remaining provisions remain in full force and effect. The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement or an express waiver shall in no way be construed to be a present or future waiver of such provision, nor in any way affect the right of either party to enforce such provision thereafter. This Agreement is binding on me, my estate, heirs and assigns. Researcher Signed: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________ Acknowledged: SCU Signed: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________ Exhibit A Invention Disclosure Form  In the fall of 2007, responsibilities for managing intellectual property issues moved from the Sponsored Projects Office as listed in the Faculty Handbook to the Office of Research Initiatives. The Faculty Handbook has not yet been revised to reflect this change.  The University policy on Secret Research is as follows (Faculty Handbook Section 3.7.11): Secret research is defined as any research whose methods or results cannot be published without the prior approval of a sponsor. In order to ensure that research conducted at 91Ƭ is consistent with the principle of free and open inquiry, the University shall not accept grants or contracts for the purpose of secret research. The University shall also not award degrees for theses or dissertations based on secret research. Exceptions can be made only if the imposition of secrecy was unforeseeable until the work was so far advanced that it could not be modified without substantial inequity to the student.     PAGE  PAGE - 8 - Office of Research Initiatives 91Ƭ 500 El Camino Real 91Ƭ, CA 95053 (408) 551-1817 phone (408) 551-1873 fax Office of Research Initiatives 91Ƭ 500 El Camino Real 91Ƭ, CA 95053 (408) 551-1817 phone (408) 551-1873 fax Office of Research Initiatives 91Ƭ 500 El Camino Real 91Ƭ, CA 95053 (408) 551-1817 phone (408) 551-1873 fax Office of Research Initiatives 91Ƭ 500 El Camino Real 91Ƭ, CA 95053 (408) 551-1817 phone (408) 551-1873 fax Office of Research Initiatives 91Ƭ 500 El Camino Real 91Ƭ, CA 95053 (408) 551-1817 phone (408) 551-1873 fax Office of Research Initiatives 91Ƭ 500 El Camino Real 91Ƭ, CA 95053 (408) 551-1817 phone (408) 551-1873 fax Office of Research Initiatives 91Ƭ 500 El Camino Real 91Ƭ, CA 95053 (408) 551-1817 phone (408) 551-1873 fax Office of Research Initiatives 91Ƭ 500 El Camino Real 91Ƭ, CA 95053 (408) 551-1817 phone (408) 551-1873 fax Office of Research Initiatives 91Ƭ 500 El Camino Real 91Ƭ, CA 95053 (408) 551-1817 phone (408) 551-1873 fax YCwx' 7$8$H$gd"gdUgdGgdrgd|($a$gd|(gd|( & Fgd|(  %&!56.1EF>AUVNQef󶮶 h hx-hlhrhrCJaJh\NhrCJaJh)3CJaJh\Nh)3CJaJh~@hr0JmHnHu h)30Jjh)30JUh)3jh)3U;  $%&E\o$a$gdJJ !gd h]hgd6 &`#$gdN$a$gdJw "56Ul2EFe|$a$gd#$a$gdU-BUVu'=Ref$a$gdr$a$gd$a$gd#gdG$a$gdr8 0091h:pN/ =!"#$% 8 0091h:pN/ =!"#$% 8 0091h:pN/ =!"#$% 8 0091h:pN/ =!"#$% 8 0091h:pN/ =!"#$% 8 0091h:pN/ =!"#$% 8 0091h:pN/ =!"#$% G09&P:pMe/ =!"#$%0 $N 009&P:p%/ =!"#$%: P0 8 009&P:pN/ =!"#$%: N 009&P:pN/ =!"#$%: P0 509&P:pN/ =!"#$%2 509&P:pN/ =!"#$%2 DdR&1^\  c hA. logo_blackhhS`TS`Th#" `b'J4V7DnJ4V7PNG  IHDRQZ͜sRGBPLTE   444666111999333777===***...,,,###222$$$!!! 888;;;--->>>)))555000'''&&&:::<<eh7\K0Gq4؞õ g,!PMJ)6q('_I# GFn ƣ#qnetqT<8:lVC GB1"/p-Dcf GF/xŬ+QMldY qmx5jiM,7p )ҲAk5AXmfYqQ3QR;u0zY,v e<&P 4#g1pl_B8MBRcEHDA??65yw1&cC$t!iF` %y~ &!oC*fj y|H@߬cCy5,|'9-^}f ! l%^S )mw,$)` 8N;8#lO'2ym88'-%㚚Abb{-"!/奠Lqpz;x4*Hܶȏf33:h%- 33pK / Ss2Ҳdܨ,>daX!`W2d!}|+? 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